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Google Analytics Dashboard

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Google Analytics Dashboard


Availability: In stock

Magento Google analytics dashboard is a dashboard that shows various statistics from your Google analytics account. This helps ensure you are always staying on top of your analytics and are able to quickly spot any downward or upward trends.

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Magento Google analytics dashboard will replace the default Magento dashboard (optional) with analytic data from your Google account. Frequently viewing analytic data helps ensure a greater chance of spotting upward and downward trends that affect your business. Our solution will show you 12 key metrics that are important to your business along with top referrers and top content.

Additional Information

PHP min version 5.2.x
PHP max version 7.x
After Description HTML No
After Feature List HTML No
Estimated Availibility Date No

Customer Reviews

This saved my store! Review by Julie Hunt
I am so HAPPY with this extension! We recently made some big changes to our store and our conversion dropped. I would not have even realized if I did not have this installed. (Posted on 12/12/2014)
Helps me stay on top of my stores Review by Olin
I found this very useful to stay on top of key metrics such as conversions. I always forget to login to analytics to view reports, but with this extension I see the data everytime I login to the backend. It has allowed me to quickly identify changes to conversion rate or site speed, etc. I hope this will translate into a better run store! (Posted on 4/7/2014)
I love the overview data Review by Vergie Orellana
I look at this data every single day when I login to the admin section. It is so much more useful than the default dashboard and has enabled me to quickly spot any changes in revenue which might indicate conversion issues or marketing issues. (Posted on 1/16/2014)
Simple and useful Review by Paul
I was confused at first how to connect this to my google account, but I emailed support and it was explained to me. After that, things were very easy and the extension just worked. I have used this for several weeks now and I feel much more informed about what is happening at my store. It is much more useful than the default dashboard and has focused me to constantly improve the statistics haha. (Posted on 7/3/2013)

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